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Bakersfield MCA Defense Lawyers Business Debt Relief

As a small business owner struggling with debt, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure where to turn. Delancey Street understands the complex financial situations entrepreneurs face and is here to help. Our team, led by renowned attorney and Chief Legal Officer Steven Raiser, provides comprehensive business debt relief services to create a path towards financial freedom.

How Delancey Street Approaches Business Debt Relief

  • Holistic Process – We look beyond just settling or restructuring debts to build a healthy financial future
  • Customized Solutions – Each business receives a dedicated expert who crafts customized debt relief solutions
  • Integrity and Compassion – Our attorneys provide counsel with the highest ethical standards and empathy

Delancey Street was founded by entrepreneurs who have navigated business debt themselves. We understand the stress it causes and are dedicated to guiding other business owners with integrity and compassion.

Attorney Spotlight: Steven M. Raiser, Chief Legal Officer

As a former New York prosecutor and nationally recognized defense attorney, Steven Raiser brings exceptional experience to Delancey Street. He oversees our team of lawyers to ensure clients receive the highest caliber of legal counsel and debt relief services.

  • Former Prosecutor – Insider knowledge of the legal system and how to build an effective defense
  • Award-Winning Attorney – Named one of America’s top lawyers for his unmatched trial record
  • White Collar Defense Expert – Decades of experience defending complex financial crimes

With compassion and diligence, Steven leads Delancey Street in providing both legal and financial solutions for small business owners facing debt collections, lawsuits, bank levies, and other issues.

Legal Services: Defense Against Unjust Debt Collection

Debt collectors often use aggressive, deceptive and even illegal tactics to intimidate business owners into paying. Steven Raiser and our team of lawyers specialize in defending clients against harassment and fraud.

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Unlawful Debt Collection Practices

Debt collectors may violate federal and state laws in their pursuit of payments, including:

  • Harassment – Excessive unwanted calls or making threats
  • Misrepresentation – Falsely implying legal authority or consequences
  • Improper Contact – Speaking to third parties about the debt
  • Failure to Verify – Not providing proof the debt is valid

As an attorney and former prosecutor, Steven understands both sides and constructs strong legal arguments to protect client rights.

Powerful Debt Collection Defenses

Our lawyers employ hard-hitting defenses to contest unjust debts and collector misconduct:

  • Statute of Limitations – Debt too old to be legally enforceable
  • Identity Theft – Proving client not responsible for account
  • Setoff – Countering alleged debt with money owed to client
  • Collateral Estoppel – Preventing repeat litigation over a debt

We leverage these and other defenses to relieve clients of unfair debts and stop abusive collection practices.

Financial Services: Negotiating Debt Relief

In addition to legal help fending off collections, Delancey Street provides financial services to secure settlements or alternative repayment plans.

Strategic Debt Settlement

Our financial experts negotiate with creditors and debt buyers to reduce what clients owe. We leverage our insights into what creditors will realistically accept to reach settlements that alleviate the burden.

  • Get up to 50% Reduced – Our track record includes deals cutting balances in half
  • Avoid Bankruptcy – Settle debts without needing to pursue bankruptcy

Settlements provide immediate financial relief so entrepreneurs can focus on business growth.

Sustainable Payment Plans

If creditors refuse to settle, we construct customized payment plans that work within a business’s budget. This provides an alternative to settlements or bankruptcy.

  • Lower Interest Rates – We secure reduced rates to lower total repayment costs
  • Longer Terms – Payment plans extend durations to achieve feasible monthly payments
See also  Albuquerque MCA Defense Lawyers Business Debt Relief

Our hands-on approach ensures both legal compliance and financial sustainability.

Why Small Business Owners Choose Delancey Street

With customized debt relief solutions and compassionate legal counsel, Delancey Street provides a trusted partner for entrepreneurs.

Tailored Debt Management

Our financial experts and lawyers work together to provide integrated services tailored to each client’s unique situation. No business debt case is too complex for our multifaceted team.

Client Focused Approach

We develop relationships with our clients based on trust and transparency. Your business success becomes our shared mission.

Results Driven

Delancey Street does more than just provide advice – we tenaciously negotiate with creditors and leverage our legal expertise to achieve real debt reduction. Our track record speaks for itself.Contact Delancey Street today for a free consultation at 212-210-1851 to start resolving your business debts. Our dedicated professionals will help you gain financial freedom.

Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

Delancey Street CEO discusses ways to reward employees
Delancey Street CEO discusses the benefits of franchising on Forbes.
Delancey Street CEO discusses management on AMEX.
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