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Frisco MCA Defense Lawyers Business Debt Relief

If you run a small business in Frisco, Texas and have found yourself struggling with overwhelming business debt, know that you have options. Delancey Street has dedicated legal experts that can provide customized debt relief plans to help restructure or even settle your business debts. Our process is straightforward and we assign a personal contact to guide business owners every step of the way towards financial freedom.

How Delancey Street Approaches Business Debt Relief

Our business debt relief services are unique because our primary focus is on establishing open communication and a trusting relationship. We understand this is an incredibly stressful situation and work to alleviate anxiety through education and transparency.

  • We take time to understand the full context of your business and debt obligations before making recommendations
  • Our financial experts and business attorneys collaborate to create legal, ethical customized relief plans
  • We leverage our expertise to negotiate directly with creditors on your behalf
  • Our end goal is always to empower business owners with the knowledge and tools to achieve lasting financial health

If you feel overwhelmed by business debt, know that Delancey Street has the legal and financial knowledge to be your ally. Call 212-210-1851 for a free consultation with a business debt relief expert today.

Common Causes of Crippling Business Debt

Taking on business debt is often necessary to fund growth. However, when cash flow slows or unexpected challenges arise, repayment terms can quickly become unmanageable. Common scenarios that lead owners to seek debt relief include:

  • Supply chain disruptions or loss of a major customer resulting in plummeting revenue
  • Underestimating the total payback costs of short-term financing options like merchant cash advances
  • Personal financial issues bleeding into the business such as divorce or medical bills
  • Natural disasters, theft, or accidents leading to major property damage without adequate insurance
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If any of these issues sound familiar, understand that you are not alone. Thousands of business owners have found themselves facing more debt than they can handle. The key is being proactive and seeking help before options become limited by legal action.

Frisco Business Debt Relief Options

There are a range of business debt relief solutions to explore depending on your specific situation. Below is an overview of common approaches:

Debt Consolidation

With multiple high-interest debts spread across several creditors, consolidation can greatly simplify repayment. This involves taking out a new lower-interest loan to pay off existing debts. Benefits include:

  • Lower interest rate saves money over time
  • Simplified tracking with just one payment
  • Potential improved cash flow from lower monthly payment
  • Stop collections calls from original creditors

Consolidation works best when the business has reliable future revenue to repay the new debt. Loan qualification also depends on your credit score and history.

Debt Settlement

Debt settlement involves negotiating directly with creditors to agree on paying a “settled” lower amount as full repayment. This typically involves:

  • Making monthly payments into escrow account rather than to creditors
  • Halting payments completely to creditors once a target settlement amount accumulates
  • Having Delancey Street attorneys negotiate on your behalf for best possible terms

Settlements result in reduced debt, often 50% or more. However, this does damage credit standing and creditors may balk if too low of a settlement is demanded.

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Reorganization

Declaring Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows an insolvent business to restructure and modify debt obligations under court supervision. This may include:

  • Reducing interest rates and principal of secured debt
  • Extending repayment timeline for unsecured debt
  • Rejecting or renegotiating burdensome contracts
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Chapter 11 gives business owners breathing room to return to profitability. However, it requires detailed financial disclosures and strict adherence to court-ordered terms. The business must still repay as much debt as reasonably possible over time.

Chapter 7 Liquidation

As a last resort, Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows insolvent businesses to completely dissolve operations and sell all assets to pay creditors. Any unpaid debt after liquidation is discharged, ending further obligation. However, this means closing the business permanently.

What Makes Delancey Street Business Debt Relief Specialists?

What sets Delancey Street apart from other debt relief providers is our holistic approach focused on long-term financial revival rather than quick fixes. Our experts take time to thoroughly assess your business finances, goals, and challenges to create fully customized legal debt relief plans.We leverage our extensive real-world expertise serving small business owners across industries and economic cycles. Our strategic approach includes:

Careful Analysis of Total Debt Obligations – We meticulously document all current debts as well as ongoing expenses, revenue streams, assets, and other liabilities. This complete financial picture allows us to best prioritize relieving most threatening debts first.

Ongoing Communication and Transparency – We establish open channels from day one to address concerns, provide status updates, discuss options, and give progress reports. You will fully understand each step we take on your behalf to resolve debts.

Aggressive Creditor Negotiations – Our business attorneys have successfully negotiated thousands of debt settlements. We start negotiations high to secure best possible terms while keeping your bottom line goals and specific situation in mind.

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Guidance to Prevent Repeat Debt Crisis – Achieving relief now is crucial but building future financial stability equally important. We therefore also educate on sound bookkeeping, cash flow planning, appropriate financing options, and other best practices.

Make the Choice to Break the Debt Cycle

If current business debt feels crushing and endless, take heart in knowing Delancey Street can help guide you towards relief and renewal. We invite you to schedule a free consultation with our compassionate experts to discuss your situation in complete confidence. Our goal is providing a personalized path to free you from debt burdens so you can focus on operating a thriving business.You deserve financial peace of mind. 

Contact Delancey Street today at 212-210-1851 or visit to learn more about our business debt relief services. Our team is ready to help you resolve debt and work towards true financial freedom.

Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

Delancey Street CEO discusses ways to reward employees
Delancey Street CEO discusses the benefits of franchising on Forbes.
Delancey Street CEO discusses management on AMEX.
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