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Los Angeles MCA Defense Lawyers Business Debt Relief

Here at Delancey Street, we understand the unique financial challenges business owners face. As a leading provider of merchant cash advance (MCA) debt relief, our team of experts is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs resolve outstanding balances and restore their financial health.Led by renowned defense attorney and Chief Legal Officer Steven M. Raiser, our full-service approach goes beyond simple debt settlement. We take a compassionate, personalized approach to each client while leveraging the latest legal strategies for achieving real, lasting solutions.

Why Choose Us?

With over 15 years of experience, Delancey Street has helped countless companies free themselves from crippling MCA debt. What sets us apart is our commitment to personalized service and win-win resolutions.

  • We conduct an in-depth analysis of your unique situation, gaining a comprehensive understanding of your financial and legal standing.
  • Our network of lenders and investors enables us to negotiate better repayment terms, lower balances, and restructured payment plans.
  • As former prosecutors, our legal team explores every defense strategy to permanently reduce or dismiss balances where possible.
  • We consolidate multiple MCA loans into a single, manageable payment program customized to your budget.

The bottom line? We level the playing field, empowering you to move forward financially while avoiding the pitfalls of short-term debt relief.

Meet Chief Legal Officer Steven M. Raiser

  • Recognized as one of America’s top attorneys
  • Former New York prosecutor
  • Brings an insider’s perspective to every negotiation and legal defense
  • Compassionate counselor seeking win-win resolutions

As both a small business owner and commercial litigator, Steven understands the real-world impacts of burdensome MCA debt from both sides. He leverages this experience to build collaborative solutions, exploring every possible defense while maintaining positive working relationships.

Common MCA Abuses We Counter

Merchant cash advance loans provide easy capital but often involve predatory terms and practices. Delancey Street levels the playing field against the following:

1. Deceptive Marketing

  • Promises of “no debt” and “easy qualification” lure struggling businesses
  • Neglects to explain daily repayments deducted directly from bank accounts
  • Omits extremely high APRs often exceeding 100%

By clearly explaining repayment terms upfront, we establish realistic expectations and help clients make informed decisions from day one.

2. Repeated Refinancing

  • MCA providers push endless refinancing to keep clients paying indefinitely
  • Each round carries heavier fees and balances balloon over time
  • We consolidate and restructure multiple loans into single manageable payments

Consolidating payments aligns incentives toward resolving balances rather than perpetuating a vicious debt cycle.

3. Aggressive Collections

  • Non-payment triggers daily calls threatening account holds, litigation, and credit damage
  • Many lack proper licensing for debt collection
  • We act as legal counsel countering intimidation tactics where unlawful

With an arsenal of consumer protection laws and former prosecutors on staff, we’re well-equipped to neutralize aggressive collections activity

Los Angeles MCA Defense Lawyers Business Debt Relief

Running a small business is extremely difficult, especially when it comes to managing finances and debt. Many business owners in Los Angeles find themselves struggling with overwhelming merchant cash advance (MCA) debt that threatens the survival of their company. However, there are experienced defense lawyers who specialize in helping business owners settle or restructure MCA debt.

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How Can a Los Angeles MCA Defense Lawyer Help?

LA MCA defense lawyers have extensive experience negotiating, settling, and restructuring MCA loans. They work directly with funders to create reasonable payment plans or settlements that work for the business owner. Some of the ways an MCA defense lawyer can help include:

  • Reviewing MCA agreements to identify unlawful or predatory terms
  • Negotiating with funders for lower payoff amounts
  • Getting MCA accounts frozen so payments stop during negotiations
  • Creating affordable payment plans tailored to the client’s budget
  • Settling MCA debt for pennies on the dollar in some cases
  • Defending business owners if lenders file lawsuits over breached contracts

Retaining an MCA defense lawyer levels the playing field when dealing with aggressive funders. They handle all communications and negotiations so business owners can focus on operating their company.

Common MCA Abuses Facing LA Small Businesses

Merchant cash advance loans seem straightforward at first. A funder provides a lump sum of capital in exchange for taking a percentage of future credit card sales. There is no set payoff date. However, many MCA agreements contain abusive terms that trap business owners in debt:

  • Excessively high fixed daily payments based on future sales projections rather than actual performance
  • Payback amounts that end up being 3-10 times the original advance
  • Extremely high interest rates exceeding 100%+ APR
  • Personal guarantees making the business owner liable even if the company fails
  • Daily payments that never decrease even as the balance drops
  • No statements showing payoff progress or amount paid to date
  • Arbitrary raises in the daily fixed payment without notice

Reputable LA MCA defense lawyers are intimately familiar with the predatory practices that have given the MCA industry a bad name. They use their expertise to protect clients from abuse.

Delancey Street – Experienced Legal Help for MCA Debt Relief

Delancey Street is a dedicated team of legal and financial experts who help small business owners settle or restructure overwhelming MCA debt. While not technically a law firm, Delancey Street partners with experienced attorneys to provide comprehensive debt relief services.Some of the reasons Los Angeles business owners choose Delancey Street for MCA help include:

  • Simple sign up process with no upfront fees
  • Customized debt relief solutions tailored to each client’s situation
  • Powerful leverage using specific laws and legal precedents
  • Direct access to empathetic legal experts
  • Proven track record negotiating affordable settlements with MCA funders

Business owners struggling with predatory MCA loans do not have to face the daunting task of debt relief alone. Delancey Street’s team combines legal expertise with financial restructuring guidance. They can be reached directly at 212-210-1851 for a free consultation.

Using CA State Laws to Dispute Abusive MCA Loans

California has some of the nation’s strongest consumer protection laws regarding predatory lending practices. Savvy Los Angeles MCA defense lawyers utilize these state laws to dispute unlawful terms in MCA contracts. Two important statutes include:

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California Finance Lenders Law

The California Finance Lenders Law (CFLL) regulates loans made to consumers or businesses in amounts less than $5,000. Key components include:

  • Interest rate caps of approximately 30% – 360% APR depending on the loan amount
  • Required disclosures explaining loan terms
  • Prohibition on wage garnishment without a court order
  • Banning loan splitting to avoid rate caps
  • Allowing attorney fee recovery in civil actions

By classifying MCA advances under the CFLL, lawyers can dispute exorbitant interest rates exceeding 100-200% APR. They also leverage the law’s strong disclosure requirements regarding fees, payment amounts, total payback, etc.

Unfair Competition Law (UCL)

California’s Unfair Competition Law (UCL) prohibits unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent business practices. MCA lawyers often cite UCL violations when disputing predatory contracts. Examples include:

  • Unlawful – Charging interest rates above state caps
  • Unfair – Structure making payoff mathematically impossible
  • Fraudulent – Misrepresenting or obscuring key loan terms

Proving UCL violations allows attorneys to get extremely unfavorable MCA contracts invalidated. The law also permits suing funders for restitution of all money paid above principal.By understanding these and other CA rules, experienced Los Angeles MCA defense lawyers equip clients to dispute predatory loans. They use binding state laws to negotiate fair settlements or payment plans.

The MCA Debt Relief Process with Delancey Street

Here is an overview of what business owners can expect when working with Delancey Street for MCA debt relief:

1. Free Consultation – Clients first speak directly with an expert team member to discuss their situation. Delancey Street learns about the business, current struggles with MCA debt, and the owner’s financial goals. There is no charge for the initial consultation.

2. Document Review – Clients provide their MCA contracts along with financial statements. The Delancey Street team thoroughly reviews the paperwork to identify potential violations of state lending laws. They also get a clear picture of the business’ financial position.

3. Debt Relief Strategy – Using their findings from the document review and consultation, the Delancey Street team maps out a customized debt relief strategy. This details the laws they will leverage, ideal settlement terms, and projected timeline. Clients get to review and approve the proposed strategy.

4. Negotiations & Settlement – Delancey Street handles all communications, demands, and negotiations with MCA lenders. The team leverages extensive legal and financial expertise to secure relief on the client’s behalf. They continue negotiating until reaching a favorable debt settlement or payment plan.

5. Implementation & Monitoring – After finalizing the debt relief arrangements, Delancey Street assists clients with proper documentation and implementation. They also monitor account activity to ensure lenders adhere to the negotiated terms.While each client’s situation is different, Delancey Street strives to reach reasonable debt settlements within 90-120 days. They provide continuous support so business owners can focus on operating their company instead of fighting lenders.

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To start the debt relief process, Los Angeles small business owners can contact Delancey Street directly or call 212-210-1851. There is no cost or obligation for the initial consultation.

Delancey Street Client Success Stories

Delancey Street has an extensive track record helping small business owners settle or restructure overwhelming MCA debt. Here are just a couple examples of their recent client success stories:

Medical Testing Company

A medical testing company took out a $200,000 MCA loan needing emergency cash flow during COVID shutdowns. The agreement contained typical predatory terms – unlimited personal guarantee, 200%+ APR, and a $7,500 daily payment amount. Within 6 months they owed over $1 million with no end in sight.Delancey Street attorneys threatened legal action citing violations of state lending laws. They secured a settlement for $380,000 – less than 40% of the current inflated balance. The negotiated payment plan fit the client’s budget with final payoff in 18 months.

Apparel Decorating Shop

The owner of an apparel decorating shop had 8 different MCA loans with balances totaling $1.2 million. The combined daily payments exceeded $15,000 – more than the struggling company could sustain.Using the leverage of potential UCL violations, Delancey Street negotiated global settlements with all 8 funders. The total payoff amount was $420,000 – just 35 cents on the dollar. By consolidating all payments into one reasonable monthly amount, the owner kept the business alive.These are just two examples of the life-changing debt relief Delancey Street provides for LA small business owners. Contact them today to explore your options for settling or restructuring overwhelming MCA loans.

Why Delancey Street is Different

In addition to extensive legal expertise, here is what sets Delancey Street’s MCA debt relief services apart:

1. Client-First Mindset – Unlike funders only caring about getting paid, Delancey Street’s priority is helping business owners preserve their livelihood. Negotiations start and end with the client’s best interests.

2. Realistic Expectations – Delancey Street provides honest assessments and never overpromises unlikely outcomes. They leverage their extensive experience to set realistic client expectations.

3. Tailored Solutions – There is no one-size-fits-all approach to debt relief. Each strategy is customized based on the client’s specific business model, financials, and goals.

4. Genuine Empathy – The team understands the extreme stress business owners face when struggling with overwhelming debt. They approach each client with genuine empathy, compassion, and respect.

5. Unmatched Experience – Delancey Street’s team combines decades of legal, financial, and debt relief expertise. Their extensive real-world experience is invaluable when negotiating complex MCA settlements.

6. Dedicated Support – Clients work directly with the same knowledgeable team members from start to finish. Attorneys and financial experts provide ongoing support as needed.Between their client-first mindset, tailored solutions, genuine empathy and unmatched experience, it is easy to see why struggling LA business owners trust Delancey Street for MCA debt relief. Contact them today for a free consultation at 212-210-1851

Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

Delancey Street CEO discusses ways to reward employees
Delancey Street CEO discusses the benefits of franchising on Forbes.
Delancey Street CEO discusses management on AMEX.
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