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MCA Defense Business Debt Relief

Do you own a small business that is struggling with merchant cash advance (MCA) debt? Have predatory MCA companies buried your business in expensive payments and fees? Delancey Street can help.As a leading business debt relief company, Delancey Street specializes in defending small businesses against abusive MCA lending practices. Our dedicated team of legal and financial experts work on your behalf to negotiate settlements, restructure or eliminate debts, and help you regain control of your finances.

How We Can Help

At Delancey Street, we take a customized, client-focused approach to MCA debt relief. When you contact us, here is what you can expect:

Free Consultation

  • In-depth review of your MCA agreements and business finances
  • Advice tailored to your unique situation
  • Clarity on full scope of debts owed

Client Agreement

  • Formally define terms of services
  • Explain process, expectations, and fees
  • Settle on debt relief strategy

Negotiations & Settlements

  • Work directly with MCA lenders
  • Negotiate settlements and debt reductions
  • Develop affordable payment plans
  • Defend against harassment and threats

Ongoing Support

  • Provide guidance to improve business finances
  • Help restructure debts for long-term sustainability
  • Offer resources to avoid predatory lending
  • Celebrate victories big and small!

Our attorneys and financial experts fight on your behalf so you can focus on running your business. We know MCA loans can be confusing, with hidden fees and sky-high rates. You shouldn’t have to face these predatory lenders alone.

The MCA Debt Trap: How Small Businesses Get Ensnared

Merchant cash advances are a form of alternative business financing meant to help companies access quick capital. But irresponsible lending practices have turned many MCA loans into debt traps. Here’s how it happens:

Misleading Marketing

MCA companies heavily market to small business owners and sell their products as “flexible financing” and “future sales.” What they don’t mention are the outrageously high effective interest rates.

See also  Arkansas MCA Defense Lawyers Business Debt Relief

Non-Disclosure of Terms

MCA contracts often don’t disclose important terms like rates, fees, and payback amounts. Vague contract language also allows lenders to change payment processes whenever they want.

Daily Repayments

Most MCA loans deduct an average of 20-30% from daily credit card and debit card sales as repayment. This can sink cash flow for small businesses.

Costly Fees & Penalties

From application fees to late fees to “default” penalties, MCA lenders tack on excessive fees that keep business owners stuck in debt.

Aggressive Collections

When business owners fall behind on payments, MCA companies resort to harassing collection calls, lawsuits, threats to contact customers, and freezing bank accounts.This toxic mix sinks countless small companies. But with the right help, you can escape the trap.

How Can MCA Lenders Get Away With This?

You may be wondering how merchant cash advance companies can charge such outrageous interest rates and fees. The answer comes down to how they structure their loans:

MCA Loans Classified as Business Investments

Unlike banks, MCA lenders classify themselves as “investors” who purchase a share of future sales. This exempts them from caps on interest rates and fees placed on traditional lenders.

No Disclosure Requirements

Because MCA companies don’t classify themselves as lenders, they face almost no requirements to disclose annual percentage rates, payment amounts, or total costs to borrowers.

Daily Repayment Structure

By deducting a percentage of daily sales instead of requiring fixed monthly payments, MCA lenders avoid usury laws that limit interest charged on loans.

Arbitration Clauses

Many MCA contracts contain forced arbitration clauses that prohibit business owners from suing in court. This takes away their ability to challenge unfair contract terms.While MCA lenders exploit these loopholes to engage in predatory behavior, we can leverage them to negotiate settlements. Our team knows how to put pressure on MCA companies to get clients the best possible deal.

See also  Alabama MCA Defense Lawyers Business Debt Relief

Our Track Record of Success

Delancey Street has an established history of defending small business owners against MCA lenders and negotiating debt relief. We’ve helped clients in many situations, including:

High-Interest Loans

  • Lowered a $97,000 MCA balance to $38,000
  • Reduced payments from $2,500 to $800 per month

Unfair Fee Structures

  • Eliminated $7,500 in loan application and processing fees
  • Renegotiated contract to remove automatic late fees

Missed Payment Spirals

  • Settled $112,000 MCA loan for $27,000 lump sum
  • Stopped daily repayments to restore cash flow

Abusive Collection Tactics

  • Fought back against threats to contact customers
  • Froze harassment calls and lawsuits

Crushing Debt Burdens

  • Renegotiated and consolidated multiple MCA loans
  • Created manageable monthly payments

If you feel trapped, scared, or overwhelmed by MCA debt, know there is hope. Our lawyers and financial experts can assess your situation, explain your rights, and build a customized action plan during a free consultation.

What Makes Us Different

Delancey Street takes an ethical, client-focused approach to business debt relief. Our model sets us apart in key ways:

We Work on Your Behalf

Our first loyalty lies with our clients. We negotiate directly with MCA lenders so you don’t have to.

We Tailor Solutions

No two businesses or debt situations are alike. We craft customized settlements based on your needs.

We Offer Ongoing Support

We provide guidance beyond settlements to help improve your finances and avoid predatory lending.

We Get You the Best Deal

Through legal pressure and financial expertise, we secure maximum debt relief.

We Celebrate Your Wins

Your success is our shared success. We’ll cheer you on each step of the way.Our commitment to ethics also means:

  • No hidden fees or fine print
  • Complete transparency on expectations, process and costs
  • Attorney supervision of all negotiations
  • Strict client confidentiality
See also  Los Angeles Merchant Cash Advance Lawyers and Business Debt Relief

We founded Delancey Street to counterbalance profit-driven MCA lenders with ethical, compassionate support for small businesses. As business owners ourselves, your best interest is our only interest.

What to Expect During a Free Consultation

When you contact Delancey Street for a free consultation, here’s what you can expect:


We’ll have a friendly chat so I can learn more about your business and the story behind your debts.

Reviewing Finances

I’ll conduct an in-depth review of your MCA contracts, rates, fees, and payments owed. This helps me grasp your full financial picture.

Legal Rights & Options

We’ll discuss your legal rights and defenses related to MCA loans. I can explain tactics lenders use and how we can counter them.

Action Plan

Based on what I’ve learned, I’ll propose a debt relief strategy tailored to your situation and needs. This will include projected outcomes if we partner together.

Questions Answered

Most importantly, this is your chance to ask any questions about the process and get informed advice. I know you likely have a lot on your mind!I never charge for initial consultations. My goal is to provide clarity, hope and a path forward. You can breathe easy knowing there are solutions and people who can help.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you’re losing sleep over high-interest MCA debt, don’t wait. Reach out now to schedule a free consultation:Call: 212-210-1851Email:info@delanceystreet.comApply Online:Free Consultation FormI’m here to listen and provide tailored solutions. Let’s talk.



Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

Delancey Street CEO discusses ways to reward employees
Delancey Street CEO discusses the benefits of franchising on Forbes.
Delancey Street CEO discusses management on AMEX.
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