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Montana MCA Defense Lawyers Business Debt Relief

Small business owners in Montana facing legal issues with merchant cash advances (MCAs) have options. Our financial and legal experts at Delancey Street can provide guidance during this difficult time.As an alternative financing solution, MCAs seem attractive. However, predatory lenders exploit ambiguous contract terms and structure agreements to maximize profits over the business’s interests. Understanding the nature of MCA loans empowers business owners to make informed decisions when pursuing financing.

How MCA Loans Work

Merchant cash advances provide capital in exchange for a percentage of future sales. This differs from traditional small business loans with set repayment periods. With MCAs:

  • Daily repayments fluctuate based on credit card sales volume
  • There is no set end date for repaying the advance
  • MCA companies can access business bank accounts daily to withdraw payments

This open-ended structure allows predatory MCA lenders to earn exorbitant returns while placing extreme financial strain on businesses. Unethical lenders rely on confusing legalese and intimidation tactics to trap owners in debt cycles many cannot escape.

Common MCA Abuses in Montana

The Montana Attorney General fields complaints of MCA companies engaging in predatory and illegal behavior such as:

  • Misrepresenting repayment terms
  • Charging usurious interest rates above state limits
  • Withdrawing unauthorized payments
  • Threatening owners with criminal charges
  • Refusing to provide documentation detailing repayment calculations

This predatory behavior sinks vulnerable small businesses deeper into debt. Many owners do not fully understand MCA terms before signing and have limited recourse options once exploited.

Montana MCA Defense Options

If facing legal issues with an MCA company, Montana business owners have defense options to consider with the help of financial and legal experts.


Courts can rule contract terms unconscionable – greatly favoring one party over another to an extreme degree. Aspects of MCA agreements like interest rates, lack of transparency in repayments, and aggressive collection practices may qualify as unconscionable.Unconscionability rulings invalidate objectionable contract terms but often uphold the overall agreement. This provides partial relief by removing the most abusive provisions.

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Usury Violations

Montana usury laws limit maximum allowable interest rates lenders can charge, which varies based on:

  • Type of debtor
  • Amount financed
  • Collateral securing the loan

Interest rates above legal limits are usurious – unlawful and unenforceable. As advances repaid daily from business sales lack set timeframes, high implied APRs likely violate state usury caps.Usury findings invalidate entire loan agreements. This releases business owners from all repayment obligations.

Unfair Trade Practices

The Montana Consumer Protection Act prohibits unfair/deceptive business practices harming consumer interests. MCA companies may engage in illegal conduct such as:

  • Misrepresenting repayment terms
  • Failing to disclose interest rates and fees
  • Threatening unwarranted legal action
  • Withdrawing unauthorized payments

Violations allow impacted consumers – including business owners – to recover damages and attorneys’ fees.

How We Can Help

The financial and legal experts at Delancey Street have extensive experience assisting small business owners in disputes with predatory MCA lenders nationwide. We take an empathetic, customized approach to each case, seeking fair outcomes allowing owners to move forward.Our financial advisory services provide alternatives to resolve MCA debt through settlement negotiations or restructuring agreements. We also work closely with our network of attorneys to build strong legal arguments based on unconscionability, usury violations, and unfair trade practice claims when necessary.If your Montana business faces legal issues regarding an MCA, contact our team today at 212-210-1851 for a free consultation. Our dedicated experts will review your situation, explain your options, and fight to protect your interests.

Unconscionability Arguments in MCA Cases

Unconscionability refers to contract clauses and obligations favoring one party in an extremely unjust manner. Courts can rule specific terms or entire agreements unconscionable – invalid and unenforceable.For small businesses, unconscionability is a powerful defense against predatory merchant cash advance (MCA) lenders. Key factors courts assessing unconscionability in MCA agreements include:

Extremely High Costs

MCA loans avoid usury laws capping interest rates by structuring payments as sales percentages rather than interest charges. However, effective annualized rates often exceed 100-200% – many times higher than allowable limits.Excessive implied interest well beyond normal ranges helps demonstrate substantive unconscionability regarding costs.

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Confusing Repayment Terms

MCA contracts use complex terminology and intricate formulas to calculate daily payments. Key variables like the repayment percentage, holdback amount, and paydown of the advance often lack clear definitions.This obfuscation prevents reasonable understanding of repayment obligations – procedurally unconscionable.

Aggressive Collections

When businesses struggle with payments, some MCA lenders engage in harassment – calling owners constantly, withdrawing unauthorized payments, or threatening unwarranted legal action.Courts may view these overly aggressive tactics as additional evidence of procedural unconscionability.

Overall Imbalance

The combination of inordinately high costs, confusing contracts, and strong-arm collections creates a significant imbalance of obligations favoring lenders. This cumulative effect establishes a degree of unconscionability rendering agreements unenforceable.Unconscionability stops the most abusive MCA practices, providing financial relief. Our attorneys build compelling arguments by highlighting unreasonable terms, confusion, intimidation, and overall unfairness perpetrated by predatory lenders.

Usury Violations in MCA Cases

Usury laws restricting maximum allowable interest rates provide another line of defense against predatory merchant cash advance (MCA) lenders.MCA agreements avoid categorization as loans with defined interest charges. However, when evaluating effective rates based on implied annual percentage rates (APRs), usury violations become clear.

Calculating Implied APRs

APRs reflect actual costs of financing arrangements. With MCAs, calculating APRs requires determining:

  • Total amount provided to the business
  • Total repayment amounts
  • Duration of the agreement

While MCA contracts lack defined timeframes, we can reasonably estimate durations based on:

  • The business’s financial position
  • Its typical monthly sales
  • The repayment percentage

Factoring these variables into rate calculations often reveals usurious triple-digit APRs.

Montana Usury Limits

Montana usury laws restrict maximum interest rates based on:

  • Type of debtor
  • Loan amount
  • Collateral

Common caps include:

  • Individuals – 15%
  • $25,000 or less – 21%
  • Business loans – 15% unless registered lender

Implied MCA APRs consistently and substantially exceed these limits.

Invalidating Agreements

Charging usurious rates violates Montana law. Usury findings invalidate entire loan contracts, releasing business owners from all repayment obligations.Our financial and legal teams calculate effective APRs, identify usury limit violations, and obtain court rulings releasing clients from abusive MCA debt cycles.

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Unfair Trade Practice Protections

Beyond defenses based on contract provisions, Montana small business owners have additional protections under the state’s Consumer Protection Act.The law prohibits unfair/deceptive trade practices harming consumer interests. Key violations MCA lenders commit include:

Misrepresenting Repayment Terms

MCA companies often mislead owners regarding variables used to calculate daily payments, such as:

  • Repayment percentage rates
  • Holdback amounts
  • Paydown structures

Negligent or intentional misrepresentations constitute illegal practices under the CPA.

Lack of Disclosure

Agreements typically omit APR disclosures despite exorbitant implied interest rates. Failing to inform owners of actual costs associated with MCA advances is unlawful.

Unwarranted Threats

When businesses struggle with payments, some lenders engage in harassment – threatening criminal charges or legal action they have no valid grounds to pursue.Intimidation tactics contravene CPA standards.

Unauthorized Withdrawals

Breaching the terms governing access to accounts constitutes financial abuse against business owners. The CPA prohibits this conduct.Documenting CPA violations allows impacted Montana small business owners to recover damages and attorneys’ fees from predatory MCA lenders. Our team leverages these claims to negotiate settlements or bring successful legal action against unfair practices.

How We Can Help

At Delancey Street, our financial and legal experts have extensive experience assisting small business owners in disputes with predatory MCA lenders across the country.We take an empathetic approach – listening to understand each client’s unique situation before carefully explaining their options. These often include:

  • Negotiating settlement agreements
  • Restructuring remaining balances
  • Building strong legal arguments to invalidate debts

Our attorneys specialize in highlighting unenforceable contract provisions and illegal lender actions that courts recognize as unconscionable, usurious, and unfair trade practices.We customize solutions to your specific case, seeking outcomes that relieve financial pressure so you can move forward.If your Montana business faces legal issues related to an MCA agreement, contact Delancey Street today at 212-210-1851 for a free consultation. Let our dedicated team go to work protecting your interests.

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Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
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$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

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