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MCA Defense Lawyers Provide Expert Guidance on Business Debt Relief

Getting behind on business debts can feel overwhelming and scary. Between merchant cash advances (MCAs), loans, lines of credit, and other financial obligations, it’s easy for companies to accumulate more debt than they can reasonably manage. If you’re struggling with business debt, know that you have options – and the expert MCA defense lawyers at Delancey Street are here to help.

Understanding the Complex Web of Business Debt

For many companies, debt is simply a necessary part of doing business. Very few organizations can launch and scale without utilizing some form of financing, whether that’s business loans, merchant cash advances, investor money, or even credit cards. However, debt can quickly spiral out of control if not managed properly.Some of the most common sources of business debt include:

  • Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) – MCAs provide businesses with quick access to capital in exchange for a percentage of future sales. While fast and convenient, MCAs typically come with extremely high effective interest rates.
  • Term Loans – Banks and alternative lenders provide term loans that must be repaid over a set period of time with interest. If cash flow tightens, term loans can fall behind.
  • Lines of Credit – Lines of credit give businesses revolving access to capital up to a set limit. If maxed out, lines of credit may have unmanageable minimum payments.
  • Credit Cards – Business credit cards seem harmless but can quickly amass high balances with painful interest rates.

Juggling payments across multiple debt obligations while trying to operate a business can feel next to impossible. Before you know it, you’ve got multiple creditors demanding money and threats of lawsuits or other legal action.This complex web of business debt is exactly why struggling companies turn to experts like the MCA defense lawyers at Delancey Street. Let’s explore how business debt relief services can help.

How MCA Defense Lawyers Approach Business Debt Relief

The business debt relief process begins with a free financial consultation with one of Delancey Street’s knowledgeable MCA defense lawyers. During this consultation, we conduct an in-depth analysis of your current debts and financial standing.This includes gathering documentation and details on:

  • All outstanding MCA agreements
  • Business loans and lines of credit
  • Credit card debt
  • Vendor accounts payable
  • Tax obligations
  • Profit and loss statements
  • Business bank statements and accounts
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Compiling this financial snapshot allows us to truly understand your situation and the full scope of debts owed. We can then provide tailored advice and debt relief solutions specifically for your unique circumstances.

Strategies MCA Defense Lawyers Use to Negotiate Business Debt Relief

Once we have clarity on the business debts causing you hardship, our MCA defense lawyers leverage years of experience negotiating, settling, and dismissing debts on clients’ behalf. Common strategies we employ include:

Settlement Negotiations

  • Negotiating discounted lump-sum settlements with creditors and debt collectors
  • Arranging installment plans at reduced interest rates over longer terms
  • Settling tax debts with the IRS for pennies on the dollar through Offer in Compromise

Dismissal Defense

  • Contesting the legal validity of MCA agreements and other contracts
  • Building arguments around flaws in legal paperwork or deceptive practices
  • Having debts dismissed entirely due to expiry of statutes of limitations

Bankruptcy Evaluation

  • Determining if Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy makes sense for the business
  • Outlining the pros/cons and process to discharge qualifying debts
  • Helping restructure company post-bankruptcy for a fresh start

The key is leveraging the right business debt relief strategy for each specific creditor and obligation. This takes experience – something our skilled MCA defense lawyers have plenty of.

Why Struggling Businesses Turn to MCA Defense Lawyers for Debt Relief

Navigating complex business debt, negotiations with creditors, and potential legal action is difficult without guidance from experts. MCA defense lawyers offer struggling companies several key benefits:Targeted Advice Tailored to Your SituationCookie-cutter debt relief solutions don’t work. Our lawyers take the time to understand your unique business and debts so we can provide tactical advice suited specifically to your needs.Experience Negotiating Favorable TermsWe know what levers to pull during settlement negotiations because we’ve done it successfully many times before. This experience is invaluable.Understanding of Relevant Laws and Legal ProcessesFrom contract law for MCAs to bankruptcy regulations, our lawyers keep up-to-date on all legal considerations that come into play during the debt relief process.Ongoing Support and Defense Against Legal ActionWe don’t just settle your debts then disappear. Our MCA defense lawyers will defend your business against any legal action even after agreements are in place.Peace of Mind During a Stressful TimeFinally, our lawyers handle all the difficult creditor negotiations so you can focus on priorities like running your business.With seasoned MCA defense lawyers in your corner, business debt relief seems far less daunting. Let the experts at Delancey Street advocate for your best interests.

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Delancey Street’s Approach to Client Relationships

We view every client relationship as a partnership focused on achieving the best possible outcome for your business. Instead of stuffy legal lectures, expect open and honest strategic counsel in plain language. Our lawyers won’t sugarcoat things or overpromise. We’ll tell you the most effective options based on our experience.While each situation is different, here is an overview of what typically happens when partnering with Delancey Street’s MCA defense lawyers:

1. Free Initial Consultation

Schedule a free 30-60 minute consultation with one of our lawyers. This is a no-pressure opportunity to discuss your current financial situation, debts owed, and desired outcomes.

2. Review of Financials & Debt Details

In order to advise you accurately, we’ll need to review business bank statements, profit/loss statements, outstanding debts, and other financial documentation.

3. Analysis & Strategic Plan

We digest all the financial information and put together a customized strategic plan mapping out the best options to address the debt causing you the biggest hardships.

4. Ongoing Support Implementing the Strategy

What sets us apart is providing ongoing hands-on support implementing the debt relief strategy. We won’t just refer you to a bankruptcy firm and call it a day. From negotiations to legal defense, we’ll be there in the trenches with you.

FAQs About MCA Defense Lawyers & Debt Relief

We know you probably still have plenty of questions about the debt relief process and working with MCA defense lawyers. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:How much does your business debt relief service cost?We don’t charge any upfront fees. Our lawyers only collect a contingency fee if we successfully settle, dismiss, or discharge a portion of your business debt. If there’s no savings, there’s no fee.Are the debt relief solutions you provide legal?Absolutely. We utilize applicable laws, bankruptcy protections, and contractual loopholes to put together settlement proposals and dismissal arguments. Any strategies we recommend adhere fully to legal standards.Can you lower my monthly MCA repayment amounts?If the MCA agreements are legally valid, we may not always be able to outright change monthly payment amounts. However, we can often negotiate reduced lump-sum buyout offers or more flexible alternate repayment terms.What results can I expect from your debt relief services?While outcomes vary case-by-case, many of our clients achieve 60% – 80% reductions in their overall business debt burden. In some instances we can eliminate debts completely. We can’t guarantee specific results, but will always fight tenaciously on your behalf.How long does the business debt relief process take with your MCA defense lawyers?The timeframe depends on the number of debts, complexity of your situation, legal defenses available, and creditor willingness to negotiate fair settlements. Most clients see significant progress within 90 days. Straightforward cases sometimes reach resolution in as little as 30 days.

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Ready to Start the Business Debt Relief Process?

If spiraling business debt has you worried about the future, take back control with help from Delancey Street’s expert MCA defense lawyers. Let us shoulder the burden of negotiating creditor calls, settlement offers, and potential legal action. We’ll explore every avenue – from favorable payment terms to dismissals to bankruptcy discharge – so you can focus on what matters most: running your company.Schedule a free consultation today to discuss your situation and start mapping out a business debt relief game plan with our lawyers by your side. This could be the most important conversation for getting your company back on stable footing.

Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

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