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Winston-Salem MCA Defense Lawyers Business Debt Relief

If you run a small business in Winston-Salem and are struggling with overwhelming business debt, know that you have options and there are experienced professionals who can help. Our team at Delancey Street has extensive experience helping business owners get out of debt and regain financial stability.

How We Can Help With Business Debt Relief

As a leading provider of <a href=””>business debt relief services</a>, Delancey Street can provide customized solutions to help you:

  • Settle or restructure business loans and <a href=””>merchant cash advances (MCAs)</a>
  • Renegotiate terms with creditors and collectors
  • Develop sustainable payment plans aligned with your revenue
  • Avoid bankruptcy or other damaging outcomes

We take an empathetic, client-focused approach and assign a dedicated expert to guide you through the process. Our attorneys can also provide legal counsel as needed.

Common Causes of Overwhelming Business Debt

Many small business owners feel overwhelmed by debt through no fault of their own. Some common reasons this happens include:

  • Economic downturns and recessions that impact revenue
  • Predatory business loans with exorbitant interest rates
  • Personal guarantees that tie business and personal finances together
  • Unexpected emergencies like COVID-19 that disrupt operations
  • Industry changes and new competitors that decrease market share

These situations can happen to any business owner. But the good news is, you have options to take control of your debt and improve your financial outlook.

Dangers of Ignoring Business Debt Issues

While it may be tempting to ignore growing business debt, doing so can lead to much more painful outcomes down the road, including:

  • Supply interruptions when vendors cut off accounts
  • Lawsuits, wage garnishments or bank levies from creditors
  • Foreclosure on commercial property used as collateral
  • Personal bankruptcy that damages your credit for years
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That’s why it’s critical to be proactive and seek help early when facing unmanageable business debt. The sooner you can restructure or settle obligations, the easier it is to recover and move forward.

How Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) Contribute to the Problem

One major factor driving small business debt is the proliferation of merchant cash advances (MCAs). While often marketed as flexible financing for businesses turned down by banks, MCAs feature structures similar to payday loans that can bury owners in debt. Tactics like these contribute to the problem:

  • Securitizing – Securitizing MCA loans provides capital for lending but incentives maximizing volume over loan quality
  • Overreliance – This manifests through overreliance on limited data, ignoring total debt obligations, and rushing due diligence
  • Excessive rates – Some MCA companies charge effective annual rates exceeding 100%, exacerbating debt
  • Personal liability – MCA agreements often have owners personally guarantee repayment, jeopardizing personal assets

If you have multiple outstanding MCAs, it can create a debt spiral that becomes extremely difficult to escape. But legal options may be available to help you regain control of the situation.

Working With Winston-Salem MCA Defense Lawyers

If you have merchant cash advances or other types of business loans that have become unmanageable, working with an attorney can help unlock options for negotiating settlements or restructuring terms. Defense lawyers have experience representing business owners in cases involving:

  • Unfair loan terms or deceptive marketing
  • Failure to adequately explain repayment terms and liability
  • Predatory lending practices like excessive rates or fees
  • Personal guarantees tying business and personal debt together
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In many cases, an experienced attorney can compel MCA companies to:

  • Reduce or forgive portions of outstanding balances
  • Lower interest rates going forward
  • Extend repayment terms to match revenue streams
  • Release owners from personal guarantees

This can provide much-needed relief so you can focus on operating your business profitably rather than treading water to service debt.

Our Approach for Helping Winston-Salem Business Owners

At Delancey Street, our attorneys take an empathetic approach focused on understanding your unique situation to create customized debt relief solutions. We know every business is different, so we avoid “one-size-fits-all” strategies and instead craft targeted plans aligned with your specific goals.When you work with us, you can expect:

  • A dedicated legal advisor to guide you through the full process
  • In-depth review of all outstanding debts and collateral
  • Clear explanations of all options to make informed decisions
  • Assertive but ethical negotiation tactics tailored to each creditor
  • Ongoing support to implement and adjust plans over time

Our team works diligently to negotiate settlements or restructured terms that provide maximum relief while still satisfying creditors enough to agree. We also coordinate with any other attorneys you may have to ensure alignment across all aspects of your situation.

What We Ask of Clients

While we do the heavy lifting of negotiating with creditors, we ask clients to:

  • Provide complete transparency into their financial situation
  • Commit to making agreed-upon payments per settlements
  • Follow budget guidance to align with new payment plans
  • Avoid taking on additional business debt during relief process

You have a responsibility to operate your business properly and manage finances responsibly going forward. But our job is to clear away past debts weighing you down so you can rebuild sustainably.

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Our Track Record

Over the past 15 years, the team at Delancey Street has helped over 5,000 business owners negotiate over $3 billion in debt relief. We have an excellent track record resolving complex situations through win-win solutions that work for both owners and creditors.We’re proud that our multifaceted approach has helped clients in industries across the board, including:

  • Restaurants, bars and hospitality
  • Retail stores and shops
  • Professional services like contractors or consultants
  • Healthcare like dental or veterinary practices
  • Trucking and transportation
  • Manufacturing and wholesale businesses

Regardless of your industry or business model, we can customize effective plans to settle debts and empower a brighter future.

Why Work With Us for Your Business Debt Relief?

If you feel overwhelmed by business debt, don’t wait – contact our Winston-Salem attorneys today to discuss your situation in a free initial consultation. We can help you understand all options and then craft a step-by-step plan to:

  • Settle or restructure loan obligations
  • Renegotiate predatory MCA terms
  • Avoid damaging outcomes like bankruptcy
  • Regain financial stability and peace of mind

Don’t let debt continue weighing down your promising business. Our skilled team knows exactly how to approach creditors across all industries and stand up for your rights as a business owner. With customized solutions that lower or restructure your existing obligations, we can help you get out from under the burden so you can get back to growth.

Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

Delancey Street CEO discusses ways to reward employees
Delancey Street CEO discusses the benefits of franchising on Forbes.
Delancey Street CEO discusses management on AMEX.
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